15, Jun 2024
What are the challenges in signal management in pharmacovigilance?

The conversation delves into the complexities of signal management in the PV landscape, highlighting recent advancements and the challenges faced under stringent regulatory requirements. Dr Buddha shares his expertise on how evolving technologies and methodologies are enhancing the detection, evaluation, and management of drug safety signals, ensuring patient safety and regulatory compliance.

LL:​ The life sciences industry is well versed with signal management (SM) as a regulatory requirement. What has changed now that the industry urgently needs to review its SM capabilities?

NS:​ The life sciences industry is well-versed in SM as a regulatory requirement. However, the recent influx of data and the increasing necessity for proactive safety measures are compelling the industry to seek more effective and efficient SM solutions. SM is the central pillar of a forward-looking Pharmacovigilance (PV) infrastructure, ensuring patient safety by continuously monitoring potential risks within the vast amount of PV data. The typical SM process follows a methodological approach that includes:

This process is governed by regulations, adheres to specific time constraints, and generally involves analysing both internal and external pharmacovigilance databases, clinical & non-clinical data, patient exposure, and scientific literature.

The evolving landscape of technological advancements and heightened regulatory scrutiny has introduced new challenges and opportunities for SM. These changes make it imperative to understand the current challenges and future trajectories of SM. Consequently, investing in advanced SM capabilities has become not just a regulatory obligation but a strategic imperative for maintaining patient-centricity and ensuring the highest standards of safety in the life sciences industry.Top of Form

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