29, Jun 2024
Revolutionizing clinical trials: Yonalink’s game-changing tech

YonaLink, a pioneering company in digital healthcare, is set to change that. In an in-depth interview with senior editor, Liza Laws, Gav Martell, co-founder of Yonalink, shared insights into his journey, the company’s groundbreaking technology, and the promising future of clinical trials.

The genesis of Yonalink

Gav Martell’s path to Yonalink is a testament to the power of interdisciplinary collaboration and the drive to solve real-world problems. With a background in software and hardware, Martell has always been at the intersection of complex, regulated industries. “I started my career at IBM and have always worked in heavily regulated industries,” Martell explained. “I worked at a broadcasting company dealing with the FCC, at a drone company with the FAA, and now in healthcare with the FDA. The common thread has been simplifying complex problems to enable people to do things more easily.”

The idea for the company emerged from Martell’s interactions with Iddo Peleg, a health industry veteran who is CEO and co-founder. “Iddo kept telling me about this problem in digital healthcare where clinical trials involve manually copying data from hospital records into data capture systems,” Martell recalled. “Over several months, he convinced me that this was the next big challenge we should tackle, and so we started Yonalink in 2019.”

Key features of Yonalink’s platform

Yonalink’s core technology revolves around two main components: YonaLink Connect and Yonalink EDC. “Yonalink Connect solves the interoperability problem by connecting to various hospitals,” Martell said. “We’ve connected to 7,000 medical centers across the US, Europe, and Israel. It grabs data from hospitals, normalizes it, and gets it ready for delivery.”

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