20, Jun 2024
Plumber warns of habit that is ‘worst drain blocker’ and could cost you over £500

Homeowners occasionally pour grease or fatty oils down the kitchen sink, but a recent viral video online suggests reconsidering this habit.

The video from TikToker @thatplum6guy, which has garnered over 14 million views, highlights that grease is the “worst drain blocker” next to baby wipes.

In response, experts at Magnet Kitchens have collaborated with plumber Tom Watts to caution against this common kitchen mistake and spread the word on the best practices.

They warn that pouring grease down the sink could result in needing to replace your kitchen pipes, potentially costing up to £500 in repairs.

Watts explained: “Fatty oils and grease disposed of in kitchen drains will dry out and solidify causing severe blockages within your pipe work. This puts your sink and any appliance (dishwashers, washing machines and boilers) within your kitchen at risk of becoming damaged.

“Once the oils have solidified the blockages won’t be removable with a plunger, and will require a plumber to come out and use expensive machinery to either vacuum or rod the blockages.”

“You could pay £250 upwards depending on the blockage and time required to unblock. If pipework is unrepairable due to permanent damage, you could be looking at £500+ to renew the pipes completely.”

How to dispose of grease and fatty oils properly

In addition to not pouring grease and fatty oils down your sink, Magnet recommends these three tips to protect your drainage system:

1. Use a Strainer or Filter for Your Kitchen Sink Plug-Hole

Most kitchen sinks come with a strainer or filter to prevent large chunks of food or grease from entering the pipework. However, installing a larger filter can further ensure that your pipes remain unclogged.

2. Scrape Food Waste from Plates and Utensils into Your Bin

While it may seem convenient to rinse small food particles off plates and utensils, even the tiniest bits can cause blockages over time. To prevent this, scrape food waste into a bin instead of rinsing it down the sink.

3. Regularly Clean Your Sinks and Drains

If you notice changes in your drainage system, it’s a good idea to clean your sink with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. This combination helps break down existing grease and prevents blockages. Follow up by pouring boiling water down the sink to remove any remaining residue.

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