21, Jun 2024
Common chargers for smartphones from next June; hearables, wearables exempt for now

The Union IT ministry may direct all device makers in the coming weeks to use uniform charging ports, said one of the three people, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity. “USB-C or Type C charging port will be made mandatory for smartphones and tablets from June next year.…

6, Jun 2024
Mint Explainer: Why tablets have failed to do what they promised—kill basic laptops

But this said claim hasn’t quite worked out. A Mint poll of four analysts, based on market researcher IDC India’s 2023 annual PC shipments data, estimated around 1.2 million tablets to have been shipped last year. This figure has remained stagnant—even as laptops saw a boost driven by the covid-19 pandemic’s work-from-home…

31, May 2024
Can an AI video editor help with video marketing?

AI video editor help with video marketing AI video editing tools allow marketers to create high-quality videos quickly and easily. This will help them to stand out from competitors and increase engagement with their audience. However, there are concerns that AI will limit creativity and human expression. These concerns need…

24, May 2024
What are the advantages of using microwave circuit board in electronic devices?

advantages of using microwave circuit board in electronic devices The use of microwave circuit board allows electronic devices to operate at high-frequency signals without loss or distortion, enhancing the performance and reliability of these devices. They play a critical role in many modern applications, such as wireless communication networks and…

24, May 2024
Can fpc pcb be repaired if damaged?

fpc pcb be repaired if damaged FPCs are essential in the connector and housing industry due to their versatility and ease of use. They are flexible circuit boards that can be bent and shaped to fit in small spaces, which makes them ideal for consumer electronic products. These components are…

23, May 2024
How to Prevent Tombstoning During PCB SMT Assembly

Tombstoning During PCB SMT Assembly Tombstoning is a common issue that occurs during the pcb smt assembly process. Basically, it is when one end of a component’s connector stands upright, rendering the component unusable. The problem can be caused by a number of issues, including inappropriate placement pressure or z-height,…

22, May 2024
How do you protect hdi pcb supplier from mechanical damage?

protect hdi pcb supplier from mechanical damage High-Density Interconnect (HDI) Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are critical components in modern electronics, supporting intricate circuitry and facilitating the functionality of electronic devices. However, HDI PCBs are susceptible to mechanical damage during handling, assembly, and operation. Protecting HDI PCBs from mechanical damage is…

20, May 2024
What are the key components of Rigid flex pcb supplier?

key components of Rigid flex pcb supplier Rigid-Flex Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) represent a sophisticated blend of rigid and flexible circuit technologies, delivering enhanced design versatility and performance for advanced electronic applications. The manufacturing and supply of Rigid-Flex PCBs involve several critical components, each contributing to the overall functionality, durability,…

20, May 2024
Mint Primer: Beam me up, Scotty… into the boardroom

Google’s long-term experiment to create a science fiction-like 3D, holographic ultra-realistic display is now a real product. After many failures, is Silicon Valley’s quest to build screens that look like teleportation portals finally nearing promise? What does Project Starline offer? In development for at least five years, it is a…

20, May 2024
How does Pcb assembly companies differ from PCB fabrication?

Pcb assembly companies differ from PCB fabrication PCB assembly companies and PCB fabrication are two distinct but closely related processes within the realm of electronics manufacturing. While both are integral to the production of printed circuit boards (PCBs), they serve different purposes and involve different stages of the manufacturing process.…