24, Mar 2024
UW Primate Center Director’s Problems With Surgeries on Monkeys Prompt PETA Complaint

For Immediate Release:March 22, 2024 Contact:Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382 Seattle – Michele Basso, director of the Washington National Primate Research Center at the University of Washington (UW), has a decades-long record of conflicts with the veterinary staff at the two universities where she previously worked. At issue were the surgeries on…

23, Mar 2024
Birthday Blitz for Buechel: Giant Crying ‘Monkey’ to Deliver Cake to Whole Foods CEO

For Immediate Release:March 22, 2024 Contact:Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382 Austin, Texas – “Thai Monkeys Never Have a Happy Birthday, Jason.” That’s the message that will be delivered on a birthday cake, complete with a picture of a screaming, chained monkey, by an 8-foot crying “monkey” to Whole Foods CEO Jason Buechel…

23, Mar 2024
PETA Statement re Verdict for Cambodian Official Prosecuted for Smuggling Monkeys

For Immediate Release:March 22, 2024 Contact:Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382 Miami – Please see the following statement from PETA primate scientist Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel regarding the “not guilty” verdict in the U.S. Department of Justice’s prosecution of Cambodian government official Masphal Kry in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of…

22, Mar 2024
Will You Buy These New Vegan Products in 2025?

Every year at Natural Products Expo West, companies gather to show off new and exciting vegan products that will hit store shelves soon. This year, PETA staffers had a chance to try some of these items and get a sneak peek into the future of animal-friendly foods. Here’s a recap…

22, Mar 2024
Pigs Are Not Organ Farms for Humans: PETA Statement on Latest Xenotransplantation

For Immediate Release:March 21, 2024 Contact:Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382 Boston – Please see the following statement from PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo regarding the transplantation of a kidney from a genetically engineered pig to a 62-year-old man at Massachusetts General Hospital: Pigs are not merely housing their organs until humans…

21, Mar 2024
Countless Rattlesnakes Slaughtered in Cruel Events Across the Country—Speak Up to End Rattlesnake Roundups!

“Rattlesnake roundups” are barbaric, misguided events that are sometimes held at carnivals, beauty pageants, and festivals. They typically involve forcing rattlesnakes out of burrows using gasoline fumes and hooks, dumping them into cramped crates or pillowcases without food or water and keeping them in there for a month or longer…

21, Mar 2024
Cut Out Dissection

It’s beyond time to make dissection animal-free! Cats, frogs, pigs, rats, rabbits, mice, and other animals who end up on a dissection tray were once living beings with thoughts, feelings, and families—but most teachers don’t even tell students that millions of them are killed specifically for cruel lessons in the…

20, Mar 2024
Cows Can’t Fight For Cows’ Rights. Go Vegan.

The post Cows Can’t Fight For Cows’ Rights. Go Vegan. appeared first on PETA.

20, Mar 2024
‘He’s HIM, Not HAM’: Pig’s Easter Plea Hits East Haven With Vegan Ham Giveaway

For Immediate Release:March 19, 2024 Contact:Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382 East Haven, Conn. – With Easter just around the corner, a group of PETA pig pals will hand out free Tofurky plant-based ham slices and roasts outside the Hagaman Memorial Library, just down the road from a sky-high message reminding viewers that…

19, Mar 2024
Help Push Ralph Lauren to Ban Cashmere

PETA Asia’s investigation into the cashmere industry in Mongolia—where Ralph Lauren obtains the fiber used in its products—revealed egregious cruelty to goats. Workers pinned down the gentle animals, twisted their sensitive legs, and ripped out their hair with sharp, rake-like metal combs. This violent process left some goats with bleeding…