4, Apr 2024
Not Even an Aspirin: PETA Urges NIH to Stop Funding Pain

For Immediate Release:April 3, 2024 Contact:Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382 Washington – In a letter sent today, PETA calls on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to stop spending taxpayer dollars on experiments that force animals to endure prolonged agony and distress without pain relief. They’re called “Column E” experiments. Despite the…

3, Apr 2024
‘Hell on Wheels’ Is Coming to Hattiesburg: Chicken Truck to Blast Dying Birds’ Cries at Buffalo Wild Wings Diners

For Immediate Release:April 2, 2024 Contact:Moira Colley 202-483-7382 Hattiesburg, Miss. – Diners on their way into Buffalo Wild Wings are in for an earful on Thursday, when “Hell on Wheels”—PETA’s life-size, hyper-realistic chicken transport truck covered with images of real chickens crammed into crates on their way to slaughter—will bombard…

3, Apr 2024
Forests Emptied to Fill Laboratories With Endangered Monkeys—Act Now to Stop This!

UN LAB Middleware Label: Title Begins UN LAB Middleware Label: Title Ends UN LAB Middleware Label: Description Begins UN INT Intro Text w/ Responsive Image - *Important Note* You must UNLINK this shared library component before making page-specific customizations. It all came out in the just-concluded trial of a Cambodian…

2, Apr 2024
Urge Ottawa Comiccon to Stop Selling Animals!

Upon hearing that Ottawa Comiccon hosted a booth last September that was peddling geckos like trinkets, PETA implored organizers to do away with this kiosk moving forward, apparently to no avail. We need your help today! Geckos are complex beings who have their own preferences and needs. They belong in…

2, Apr 2024
Feds See Disabled Pig Dragged by Her Ears at Local Slaughterhouse; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe

For Immediate Release:April 1, 2024 Contact:Nicole Perreira 202-483-7382 Craig, Colo. – Following a disturbing pattern of violations at Fitch Ranch Artisan Meat Company in Craig—e.g., a worker dragged a disabled pig by her ears and employees have repeatedly shocked or electrocuted animals—PETA rushed a letter today to 14th Judicial District…

31, Mar 2024
Chickens Can’t Fight for Chickens’ Rights. Go Vegan.

The post Chickens Can’t Fight for Chickens’ Rights. Go Vegan. appeared first on PETA.

31, Mar 2024
College Place, Washington

6.06.025 – Tethering dogs. (1) Any dog tethered on the property of the owner or custodian shall be restrained by means of a chain, leash, or rope that is: (a) A minimum of eight feet long; (b) Attached at the anchor point by means of a swivel in a manner…

30, Mar 2024
5 Secrets About Wool | PETA

4 min read The heat is on for the wool industry, and its members are sweating. Consumers are ditching wool at a fevered pace, and they’re more aware than ever before that sheep farmers are driving one of the cruelest, most environmentally damaging fiber industries. The wool industry is now…

30, Mar 2024
VIDEO: Police Drag 52-Year-Old Shackled, Bodypainted SeaWorld Protester From Airport Baggage Claim

For Immediate Release:March 29, 2024 Contact:David Perle 202-483-7382 San Diego – This morning, 52-year-old San Diego resident Carolina Roberts and another animal ally were arrested and forcibly removed from San Diego International Airport after posing peacefully on a baggage carousel wearing little more than black-and-white bodypaint and shackles to urge…

29, Mar 2024

USA SUCCESS! Army Stops Brain-Damage Test Following pressure from PETA, the US Army stopped funding a cruel brain-injury test on ferrets conducted on taxpayers’ dime at Michigan’s Wayne State University. Dozens of curious, once-playful ferrets had been bombarded with radio waves, purportedly to study whether a directed-energy weapon could induce…